One spacious apartment located right off Pembina and Road 70 (bachelor but it has a partition wall to make it a comfortable one bedroom apt.) for sublet starting from July 15 to August 1 and the lease ends Nov.1, 2006. (You can always ask for an extension as you wish.)<br />Good location within 3 minuts walk to 60/62 etc buses. 470$/month and 30$ extra for parking. Heating and water free.<br />lease contact Mr. Albert, the caretaker @ 453-7669 ASAP!!!<br />宽敞明亮BACHELOR,距离公车近,有多条到曼大和温大公交线路。此房因为有隔段,所以适宜两人合租。价格便宜470/月。7月15日-8月1日即可入住,有意者请速致电204-453-7669 Albert(caretaker)or 204-995-0997(tenant).